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How to deal with stress while preparing for competitive exams

Have you ever found it challenging or stressful to prepare for competitive exams? Exam season can be indeed very stressful, which makes it more difficult to stay focused on your study. It is possible to fall behind in your studies due to exam fear, which can negatively impact your performance. 

In reality, this is a phase where students give up on everything else and focus on their upcoming examination, regardless of whether they are studying for board exams, entrance exams, or even government job exams. Here are a few tried and tested methods Teachers’ Vision, the best bank coaching in Chandigarh, recommends handling stress effectively during competitive exams so that you can ace it in your next attempt. 

There’s no doubt it’s not easy to do but it’s crucial to maintain your composure while preparing for those examinations. 

5 tips to manage stress while preparing for competitive exams:

  • Set reasonable goals

While preparing for any examination, it is incredibly necessary to set a realistic goal. It should be within the limit. Otherwise, you may not feel enough motivated and lose concentration while studying. Try using the S.M.A.R.T Goals technique to increase your productivity and more chances of cracking competitive examinations. 

  • Focus on yourself and stop comparing

It is very common that students to compare themselves with other students who score better marks. However, the comparison will take you nowhere. It only creates negativity, and self-doubts and distracts you from your studies. Believing in yourself, being confident and having faith in your abilities are most important. It takes everyone a different amount of time to achieve success, so always keep striving. Focus on your strengths and weakness, analyse them and work on them to get success in competitive exams.

  • Regular practice

Practice along with consistency is the key to success. You need to keep practising until you are perfect in any topic. Competitive exams need speed and accuracy and it comes with practice only. However, students tend to start preparing some days before the examinations. In this situation, they panic and can’t concentrate, resulting in low scores.

how to deal with stress while preparing for competitive exams

We would recommend you to plan a timetable and follow it so that you can prepare for exams beforehand and keep practising using study material provided by a trusted competitive exam coaching in Chandigarh without any stress. 

  • Take necessary breaks 

Studying continuously for hours is definitely a poor study habit. It’s important to practise as well as take regular breaks to refresh our brains. These breaks will help you to study effectively and efficiently. Try to do some exercise with short movements to keep a good balance during these breaks instead of scrolling phone screens or watching TV.

You can also use a very famous time management technique called POMODORO where you can focus on your studies for 25 minutes and take a break for 3-5 minutes. After completion of 4 study periods, you can take a break of 15-30 minutes. 

  • Get adequate sleep

Extremely poor sleep significantly reduces brain performance. It is recommended to get uninterrupted sleep for 6-8 hours to perform well in competitive exams. You’ll learn more and retain information for a longer amount of time if you get enough sleep.


Well, stress and tension are natural during exam season but they can be managed very well. Try to devote most of the time to studies and prepare short notes for revision. While preparing for competitive exams, you can follow past year’s question papers, reliable study material and enrol yourself in a good coaching institute and get your doubts solved by experienced educators. One such institute is Teachers’ Vision which is considered to be the Best Banking Coaching Institute in Chandigarh.

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